August 12, 2010

My Baby Shower Invitation!

Oops. Somehow the month of August flew by without many posts. Why? Cause my 8 month pregnant belly doesn't allow me to sit in front of the computer too long. Actually, my big belly doesn't allow me to keep doing anything too long. Here I am at 33 weeks today. It definitely feels like the bump got a lot bigger just in the last 2 weeks. The baby is healthy, and I've just been feeling a little more uncomfortable than before, also a bit more tired and low energy. So far so good, this baby has been treating me pretty well, not much hard time. I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time to do all the things I want to do before the baby comes, and yet I don't want to be running around just checking things off my list. I'd like to enjoy being pregnant and spend time with J and friends. Actually J and I just got back from Montreal Canada last Sunday, we wandering around town and enjoying some fancy meals. It might be our last trip before the baby comes.

Also, my mother-in-law is throwing me a baby shower this month! Actually, there is no such thing as baby shower in Japan, nor in Taiwan or Korea. We do announcement, but nothing before the baby comes. The invitation is designed by myself. I know it might be a little bit strange to design your own baby shower invitation. But I am a designer and I like to design, so why not design my own baby shower invitation, right? I am happy that I could also apply my Masking Tapes on the invitations!


  1. oh..i love that you designed your baby shower invitation...and it is darling...really cute..and i love your masking tapes too...

    sending BEST WISHES to you and your baby...and all of your must all be so excited. i am happy for you.


  2. Hi Erika, it's wonderful that everything is allright with you and the baby! Your design of the baby shower invitation is very cute.
    We don't have a baby shower in the Netherlands either.

    Warm greetings, Ingrid xx

  3. Oooh how exciting. You are nearly there! You must be so thrilled.
    Your invitation looks lovely, too. I wish you a wonderful time.x

  4. I think your baby shower invite designs are absolutely perfect. and its not weird that you designed your own. if it's something you enjoy for a future someone you love, why not do it yourself? ;)

  5. It's so sweet! Fun design! Best wishes to you!

  6. Oh how wonderful you're going to be a mother !
    The last weeks are so exciting ....wondering what will your baby look like .....
    Wishing you all the best and I hope everything goes well !

  7. Awww, so exciting to hear this news!
    and your design looks cute, i like the envelope details, are you using de-boss? (i don't know how to spell it, pardon my bad english, haha)

    Anyway, i'm wishing you all the best, looking foward to see some pictures of him/her? *happy*

    : )

  8. I bet you look so cute with your big belly! Your invite is, well, inviting - love it.
    I just used your happy masking tape today. It's so handy ;)
    Have a lovely weekend!

  9. Oooh - its beautiful. Make sure you get some rest and relaxtion :-)

  10. How lovely, how exciting! Enjoy the baby shower. xm

  11. Thank you everyone, for your kind and warm words! I really appreciate it!

  12. Such exciting news! My cousin is pregnant too, and I'm looking forward to playing with her baby in a few months time ;)
    And the invitations are absolutely adorable!

    Thanks for popping by my blog, as it led me directly to your wonderful one! :)
