August 13, 2009

[shikisai] alternative T-shirts (Tシャツブランドーシキサイ〕)

Shikisai (シキサイ) is a alternative T-shirts brand established by the Japanese Duo-Designers Noto-Fusai (デザイナーデュオ能登夫妻). Fusai, a Japanese word, means husband and wife. This couple explores alternative possibilities of T-shirt design, through the use of black print on a white surface. The designs on these T-shirts are from the everyday things around us, like water coming out of a faucet, the loose shoe lace you tie and untie, the snap button on the umbrella you fasten and unfasten...etc, very much everyday life. What seems far from art, design or fashion. But once it is played on the stage of a "white t-shirt" starring "black print", it leaps to art, design and fashion. The scenario is not difficult at all, but by incorporating the interactivity, one can easily enjoy the designers' intent, excitement and sense of fun.

{images from Shikisai}

I specially like these two: the window blind, and the messenger bag. But I am not so sure whether it's a good idea for ladies to put on this window blind T-shirt. Well, I guess you are better off just keeping your blind closed or at least half way down, even when it's a very nice sunny day!

1 comment:

  1. hello! you have won my giveaway for an address file! Please send me an email to sharilyn AT lovelydesign DOT com with your choice of file (maple or black walnut) and your address information, and I will send it out to you. xo sharilyn
